B2B Meetings – Services for Retail
B2B Meetings is an online platform operated by retail-FMCG.ro, the most read B2B publication in Romania in online, dedicated to FMCG retail & FMCG industry & eCommerce & Services for retail.
The B2B Meetings platform is the meeting place of demand with the offer of technology, equipment and services for retail and has the role of scheduling virtual or physical business meetings between retail service providers and retailers (online or offline retailers)
Do you represent a retail company, a network of stores, an online store, a shopping center or are you an independent store?
Register your company for free on the B2B Meetings platform!
Buyer Registration
Register your company for free on the B2B Meetings platform!
Services Provider
Do you represent a company that creates, develops and provides products, services, solutions and equipments for retail and for companies in general?
Register your company for free on the B2B Meetings platform!
Services Provider Registration
Register your company for free on the B2B Meetings platform!